Friday, September 26, 2008

stonewalllll's first craigslist

well he's got a nice start, i'd say!!!

"Subj: Look it doesn't matter what other people say - 25 (norfolk, va)

bodd: I am a man who knows what he wants. I want a woman who will stand by me like a yellow dog (not to say she would be a dog) and who will love me for all my flaws. I will love you unconditionaly if you are out there for me. Please do not hesitate. Life does not last forever and we must love every minute.

Send me a pic so I know you're real and I will send one as well."

So apparently stonewalllll is 25 and lives in norfolk. cool.

The New Adventures of Stonewalllll

Well I'm back to my old schemes. This time I won't be as "afraid" to respond to people's responses to me, as I have created a new persona! stonewalllll at is the new new bee.

Let me tell you a bit bit about stonewalllll:

stonewalllll is a brash man. He wants what he wants when he wants it. He doesn't back down. He doesn't say know. He is a man's man, one could assume.

Today I start stonewalllll's journey across the world wide web.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Taking Over Daily KOS

have to wait one week before my first diary entry. shit.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Dear America

The presidential race is not American Idol.
I'm going to break away from my idea to keep this blog opinion-free because I feel this stuff has to be said.

I genuinely have a problem with the way the Republicans(generally) are treating this world and the lives of American service men and women and the future of this nation.

First, no one who wants to, tries to, or just considers how to ban books has any place near or in elected office in our nation, especially the Presidency. The Constitution that those in elected office are sworn to protect and uphold explicitly prohibits "abridging the freedom of speech or of the press." As such, the concept of banning and/or censoring books directly contradicts the First Amendment and in order to protect these rights to freedom that hundreds of thousands American died protecting, we cannot afford to have a president willing to consider abridging these rights.

Second, war is not acceptable. Humanity has prevailed for a few thousand years and to squander it for political gain is a complete disrespect to the future of mankind and the lives lost of those protecting that future. The attitude on Iran and Russia has become negotiations for peace are unpatriotic. Peaceful negotiations are the only way to resolve these matters and what separates mankind from most of the animal kingdom is the ability to discuss alternate ways to solve problems beyond violence. The conflict between Russia and Georgia is not our fight. We need to work through and with the United Nations to create a solution the will cost the least amount of lives. No Americans deserve to die by the swift hand of political gain.

Third, any suggestion that the events in the Middle East is part of a plan by The Flying Spaghetti Monster many Pastafarians believe they know is ludicrous. It is not the position or place of man to suggest the knowledge of what the Flying Spaghetti Monster (or any deity) would want. The Flying Spaghetti Monster works in ways we cannot understand, MYSTERIOUS ways in fact, and there is no reason to suggest any of us would know. For the sake of the country and the lives of Americans, Religion and the Flying Spaghetti Monster cannot be involved in the world of politics. In fact, who's to say the withdrawl from Iraq is what the Flying Spaghetti Monster would want or the bombing of Iran is what the Flying Spaghetti Monster would want. There is no the Flying Spaghetti Monster's party and there is no the Flying Spaghetti Monster's candidate. It is our place to live as humans and the Flying Spaghetti Monster's place to exist as the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Friday, September 12, 2008

NEw Smileys

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full of delicious food