Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Facebook Honesty Box

Since it is always interesting to see how people react when there seems to be no consequence, such as the belief in total anonymity. It is also interesting to see how people react to the mystery of the unknown, such as an anonymous message.

But, yada yada.

My plan is to send a number of messages using the Honesty Box on Facebook to see people responses to a mysterious messenger. The more bizarre the message the better, as getting people out of their comfort zone rocks 8)

Anyway, For Science!!

1) To Geoff:
"geoff i love you man" 1:14am

2) To Kelly:
"kelly you were always the one that got away" 1:14am

3) To Laura:
"i used to stare at your boobs in middle school :|" 1:14am

4) To Amanda:
"I really think we could have hit it off, you know." 1:45am

5) To Katrina:
"Have you ever thought about opening a donut shop?" 1:45am

6) To Samantha:
"i could have won. i could have beaten you!" 1:45am

7) To Roshelle:
"why did you forget about me :(" 1:45am

8) To Jessica:
"I've always wanted to eat your hair for some reason" 1:45am

Let's see where we go from here, then.