Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My Internet Soulmate pt 1

FACT: Everyone needs their soulmate.

Where better to look for a soulmate than the internet? Gone are the days of blind dates from cups with strings, and arrived are the days of meeting people online through shady profiles.

FACT: My goal is to find my soulmate on one of these sites.

I've gone ahead and made a few profiles on a few sites, hoping to make some online friends. I'll post them at the bottom of this posting.

FACT: I'm going to avoid the obvious Myspace and Facebook profiles.

I have too many friends on those sites and it could turn embarrassing.

FACT: My first strategy will be to "carpet bomb" profiles of women.

I'll probably send a message to the effect of "OH HAI I SEE U THAR", or at least something along those lines.

FACT: With the amount of online dating sites out there, I'm bound to meet someone.

JustSayHi (aka generic dating site): http://www.justsayhi.com/user/my_profile

OkCupid! (neat "Web 2.0" design): http://www.okcupid.com/profile?u=jmhagemann

Plentyoffish (/doesn't trust this site): http://www.plentyoffish.com/member5724445.htm

I might add more later if I get bored.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have faith in you!