Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Poop Soup and You

It is my obligation to you, the humble reader, to understand what is going on in our world so I can write about some of that here. Poop soup is one subject of grave importance.

What is poop soup, you ask? Poop soup is what will be, and in some places is, on the streets of many American communities. The source? Sewers.

Sewers around our nation are aging. Many were built years ago and not improved on much since. This is not good, you must see, for more people are here than were a few years ago, and where does all their shit go if the sewers won't grow? That's right: your lawn.

So, ultimately, talk to your city council about fixing the fucking sewers, for it is a subject that politicians will love to through around when election time comes.

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