Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Internet Soulmate Pt 2.5: Craigslist Responses

Well so far so good. It's been a day since I made those craigslist posts, and already I've had a few responses! 

(I blocked the email addresses so you guys don't fuck it up for me)

1) Creepy Gay Guy

Well the first response I received was rather "colorful." 

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(The picture is actually from the guy's myspace)

Actual Potential Soulmate!

This gal responded to my guitar hero ad. Things are looking good so far! Let's just hope she isn't another creepy gay guy. (not that i have a problem with homosexuals or anything)

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

3) BBWs

This next one was tricky. It arrived in my inbox as a text message from a mysterious number, and it wasn't jesus.

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She pulls a fast one by asking if I like "BBWs." Now, I've never been good with acronyms, but thank science for wikipedia.

Hopefully we'll get more replies to my posts :\

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